Catching Dragonflies

Catching Dragonflies

I love this picture.  It was a moment captured when they didn’t know I was watching.  My son is showing my daughter a dragonfly.  She is in a wheelchair from a broken foot and he has just caught one.  Luke is very proud of his ability to catch dragonflies by stealthfully capturing their tails when they are still.

This picture moves me for several reasons.  He knows how much his sister Selah loves nature and all things living; and as she can’t explore because of her injury, he brings it to her.

As I stare at this picture, I believe I have just witnessed a sacred moment.  It was an ordinary day…an ordinary family outing to the park…but an extraordinary encounter between two individuals.  I witnessed an authentic presence and love that only children can offer.

The serving of one another…the attentive care for one another…the grateful responding…it was moving.  But what also touched me was the setting aside of his playtime.  Notice the red ball he is tucking under his neck?  Nothing shows more intentional relational connection than a 9-year old boy interrupting his play with his favorite ball to catch a dragonfly to show his wheelchair-bound sister.

I was inspired to see him stop what he was doing to care for the heart of someone he loved.  In his 9-year old way, he taught me to stay authentically present to those I love.  To naturally care for the hearts of those around me.  But most importantly, I loved her response.  Notice the openness?  There was a gratefulness from my 11-year old girl that recognized the value of what he was offering.   She knew what he was communicating and with her sensitive spirit she thanked him by receiving.

How are we staying present to those around us?  Are we interrupting our ‘oh-so- important lives’ to catch dragonflies to show to those who can’t catch them for themselves?  How are we receiving the gifts being offered?  Are we present enough to recognize what they are offering?  Do we engage well and express our gratitude?  All this from an unexpected moment in the park…I believe I was offered a gift.  A gift to learn from the authentic living of children.

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